sailor moon is a beloved magical girl franchise from the early 1990s. it follows a middle schooler named usagi tsukino as she discovers she has magical powers.

the franchise itself is very near and dear to my heart - i never saw it airing because i was a nickelodeon child but by the advent of youtube in the mid 2000s i avidly watched it. it definitely keeps me in touch with my feminine side and emotions, and aesthetically i feel like it's completely unmatched - it is a product of its time and that shows, and i think that is one of the most appealing things about it.
i've read most of the manga and i think it's alright - visually beautiful and tells much the same story - but it just does not have the same feeling as the original five-season anime. the visuals, the music, and especially the little character moments make the original anime so special and nostalgic.
i'm currently in the slow process of rewatching through all of sailor moon with the same best friend that rewatched inazuma eleven with me, and from an adult perspective i have a bigger appreciation for the characters and their personalities and struggles. it's been slow going because my friend and i are always working but i'm excited to get through it (as of writing this we are about 7 episodes away from finishing R, the second season.)