doctor who

doctor who is a british sci-fi television series that has been ongoing since 1963. it involves an alien known as "the doctor" and his adventures through space and time, and the people he meets up with and brings with him on his travels. "the doctor" has had many regenerations over the years - his species can replace every cell in their body when faced with the threat of death.

an introduction to my favourite doctors (in order)
the sixth doctor

"As loud in clothing as he was in voice, the Sixth Doctor would often browbeat others into submission with his savage wit and grammarian's interest in language. Passionate, warm and virtuous, he held a thunderous and turbulent exterior that initially manifested as righteous indignation or smug self-satisfaction, but, as he acquired a larger entourage of companions, he mellowed out of his faults and became a man of genuine zest and charm."

the sixth doctor is one of my absolute favourite characters of all time. in his introductory episodes he's refreshingly off-putting in comparison with his earlier incarnations. he's theatrical, sensitive, and clearly suffering from borderline personality disorder. his outfit is vibrant and crazy in comparison to every other version of the doctor, and truly makes him stand out in spite of the fact he had a short run on the show.

some fun facts about him: he loves cats, his favourite sandwich is peanut butter, lettuce, and potato chips, and he dislikes hotels. he also has a great love for poetry and is a stickler for proper spoken (british) english.

he's kind of a queen.

the third doctor

"The Third Doctor, who was exiled by the Time Lords to Earth in the 20th century for a significant period of his life, was a distinguished man of high class and gadgetry, often tinkering away and privy with machines. The Doctor also liked to share his wisdom with those who had open minds, but his patience would quickly dissolve if something annoyed him. Those who got on his good side soon found him to be a friendly fellow, while those who were against him soon found that this gentleman could actually get physical and hold his own in a fight."

the fifth doctor

"Youthful in appearance, the Fifth Doctor was a put-upon adventurer who tried to follow the principles of fair play in a universe that bedevilled him with great tragedy and violent endings, leading him to better appreciate the "small, beautiful events" in life. While he held a keen interest in science and exploration, his greatest love was cricket."

he's also kind of a queen, but in a very chill manner.

the eighth doctor

"A playful man who wanted the universe to be a peaceful and beautiful place, even when met with disaster, he was not averse to cheekily giving people hints about their futures as he revelled in life and living, but his lifetime was equally defined by some of the nastiest circumstances possible, from him constantly being captured and tortured to witnessing many senseless deaths. In the later years of his life, he turned colder and angrier and less willing to take on companions when it became clear that a terrible tragedy was brewing in the universe."

the fourth doctor

"An eccentric bohemian taking in new sights while fighting the greatest of evils, the Fourth Doctor was a scarfed crusader with a strong wanderlust and a deep-seated resentment toward authority figures. The inability to control the direction of his life led the highly eccentric Doctor to have moments of intense brooding between his oddball comments and cheeky attitude, sometimes to the point that he became callous and intimidating, and would explode with rage when his patience reached their limit."

text synopses from doctor who wiki, pixel sprites from here

my personal favourite incarnations of the show are from approximately 1970 through 1986. i've had a deep love for sci-fi and things with unsettling vibes since i was a small child, and those aspects coupled with the vintage vibes of this era of doctor who make it incredibly enjoyable for me. i tried to get into it throughout the years, but it didn't click with me until very recently. i assume watching 1000+ episodes of another show helped me find the patience.

hopefully in the future i'll have a lot more to say and add to this shrine, and maybe i'll actually watch the modern series. but for now, i'm content just loving these fun guys!